
Welcome to the STRIPCOIN Presale.
A presale is an opportunity to be among the first to secure a share of the token supply before it's made publicly tradeable.

STRIPCOIN Presale details in numbers:

Total supply: STRIP
Presale allocation:120,000,000,000 STRIP
Maximum per wallet:200,000,000 STRIP
Price per 200M STRIP:0.5 ETH
Presale open:August 10th ‐ August 24th
Time remaining:0d:0h:0m:0s

When you buy STRIP tokens in this presale, the tokens will be locked in a vesting contract.
You can only transfer or sell your tokens once they have been unlocked by the vesting schedule.
The schedule is as follows: Starting from the ending of the presale, all tokens remain locked for 45 days, then 20% will be gradually unlocked per month.
Total vesting period is thus 6 months and 15 days, or 195 days.

There are 3 steps you must follow to buy STRIPCOIN in this presale.
You can see the steps below. Please read the instructions carefully.
If at any point you have questions, feel free to join our ...Telegram Chat... for support!

  • The first step is to connect your wallet to this presale website.
  • If you don't have a wallet software installed yet, please read our Wallet Guide by clicking here:
  • Every wallet is a little different, but with any wallet you use, start by clicking the button on the right that says "Connect Wallet".

Click here to begin:


Supported wallets: MetaMask (recommended), all WalletConnect™ supported wallets, including Argent, RainbowWallet, TrustWallet...

2. Buy ETH.
  • STRIPCOIN is built on the Ethereum blockchain, and so we have chosen the base currency of this presale to be ETH, the native currency of the Ethereum blockchain.
  • You can only buy STRIPCOIN with ETH, so you need to have ETH in your wallet to buy STRIP.
  • You can buy ETH from cryptocurrency exchanges such as CoinBase, Gemini, Binance, etc..
  • If this is your first time buying ETH, please read our ETH Buying Guide by clicking here:... ETH Buying Guide ...

Connect your wallet
to see your ETH balance displayed here.

  • Here you will be submitting the BUY transaction.
  • After selecting the amount to buy and clicking "BUY", your wallet will ask you to confirm the transaction. Follow your wallet's instructions to confirm the transaction.
  • Note that a small amount of ETH will be used to pay for the transaction fee.
  • Once you have submitted the transaction, wait for the transaction to finish.
  • The maximum amount of STRIP you can buy during the presale is 0 STRIP, for the total price of 0.5 ETH.
  • You have already bought 0 STRIP for 0 ETH.
  • You have 200,000,000 STRIP available for you to buy for the price of 0 ETH.
  • Time remaining in the presale: 0d:0h:0m:0s

Transaction details:

Enter the amount of ETH you want to use to buy STRIP:

transaction fee (estimated) :0 ETH
Total: 0 ETH

Transactions are not reversible once they have been confirmed on the blockchain.
